Once upon a time there was a little girl (I say little, I mean short) who lived in a big city and really, really liked clothes. So she decided to write a blog all about them with a witty commentary (I hope) because lord knows no one's ever seen anything like that before.

Wednesday 5 January 2011


First blog post, hooray. I put out a request to see what people would want to see on a new fashion blog and I have suggestions to last me at least four posts so I’m not going to run out of inspiration for a good long while.

This first post is more of a public service announcement than anything. I am phenomenally bad at writing anything about myself, so I trawled polyvore for a couple of hours to drag together some kind of outfit that I would wear on a daily basis. The one above is surprisingly accurate: the one key difference is that I wish I owned those boots but instead own a pair I bought at Wyndsors World Of Shoes (I regret nothing, they are waterproof and there was a lot of snow this winter) for a reasonable amount of money.

I’m a student now, which means I am poor, and while I made my polypore for fun it also aids you in judging whether I’m actually worth listening to. If you happen to think I dress like a blind Sunday school teacher (and no offence to any blind Sunday school teachers, I’m playing by a stereotype I already feel guilty for using) then you can tactfully navigate away from my blog and we’ll never speak of this again. Go on, while you have the chance. I’ll be brave. I can take it.

Is anyone still out there? Good.

There are only a few things I consider immediate go-to pieces because I love to mix and match. The issue is that very few of my clothes actually match. This is why I’m obsessed with skinny jeans. Every top I own goes with skinny jeans. Every hoodie I own goes with skinny jeans. Skinny. Jeans. Are. Godly. I fear for the day my unfortunate muffin top begins to look unsightly and I have to wear boot cut jeans again (they do not suit me and the backs are usually tattered in weeks) because it will be a sad day and I will probably have to change my wardrobe. Once again, I am a student. I can’t afford to buy new jeans!

I wear dresses a lot, and I was pleased to find one that looked similar to my favourite on polyvore. To suit my shape I wear floaty things, usually short, with thick tights and big, clumpy boots. This trend works throughout the year and you can very easily add to it. I have two hats my grandma knitted for me recently and I love them, so one of them tends to be dragged into the mix too. I’m not the type of person you would think to wear dresses, but I find them comfortable and my hips have a shape that makes it very difficult to hold jeans up. And, well, if it ain’t broke, don’t fix it.

I love clothes. Expensive or cheap, pink or blue, plain or covered in sequins I love everything if I can tell a story with it. The outfit above makes me think of a doll that came to life and started stomping around investigating like Dora The Explorer’s crazy older sister. Except I’m not Mexican. Or based on a cartoon. Or a doll, actually. I think I need to work on my comparisons.


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